Paul E Sexton 3 Metta Jon Maslow Jeremy Klyndel
Jim Dolen Neal Ostman OPALINA Anando Sexton Robert Starkey Janie Starkey
Gayle Bell Patricia Golden Janelle Dubois Tim Wood David Weinberg Gordon Hilgers Yvonne Salam L.V. Davis Carlos Salas Mary Maslow Elysia Dick Severns Fran Carris and Charlotte, who is an honorary member. History of Our Circle In 1998 a recently married Paul Sexton moved to the historic district of Old Oak Cliff and noticed that several poets that he know from open mic readings around town also lived in the neighborhoods. The reading that he had been hosting for a few years in Arlington had just faded away and he was looking for a new gig. He had several conversations on this topic with Opalina, Tim Wood, and David Weinberg, who happened to be already having similar conversations with Jim Dolen. One day Paul walked into Suenos Sabrosos, a recently opened Ice Cream Shop In the Bishop Street Arts District. He Spoke To Rosa The Owner who also was already considering doing some type of poetry at the shop. It was a match made in Oak Cliff, if not heaven. On July 4th 1998 The first official meeting of the Oak Cliff Circle Of Poets was convened at Suenos Sabrosos. In addition to the Poets mentioned above, also in attendance were Metta' Jon Maslow, Gail Bell, and Carlos Salas. Over the last three years the Oak Cliff Circle Of Poets has met faithfully at Suenos Sabrosos every Saturday night. Members of the group have also performed several features around town at various Barnes and Noble stores and At the Yearly Deep Ellum Poetry Festival. Their innovative events have brought attention to their friendly reading, and it have even appeared in The Dallas Morning News on a few occasionsThe Oak Cliff Circle Of Poets is an ecclectic, loose knit group of poets, writers, and performance poets that meets weekly in Oak Cliff, Texas. Many of it's members are well known about town, for their performances, the readings that they host, their books, where they have been published and their involvement in various writers groups and organizations.The Circle is open to (almost) anyone. The atmosphere is friendly, supportive, and often light hearted. Any poet that attends and read simi-regularly and wantsto be a memberis.Suenos Sabrosos Ice Cream Parlor is where the weekly Saturday night circles are held. This page will provide info about the OCCP, their events, their members, the things the members are up to, the history of the group, and how to find us. please email us with any questions or comments! early light. It's the mornings, when it hits me the most. Those feelings of utter despair, those feelings that I have awakened from a sound peaceful sleep into one of those Twilight Zone Episodes. One where I am living someone elses life, trapped in it, and no one will believe me, I am really someone else that should be doing something else, even now. Something cooler. But this could very well bea natural side effect of getting up at 3am and being on I35 heading north by 3:30. Yes, there is nothing more neurotic, more shattering to the bonds of convention, than the feeling of driving to work, among those few other souls cursed to be awake, at 3:30am. When the visage of some bearded wonderer in the headlights might be a harbinger of death. When most of the other cars somehow seem to be my car, with me driving, in some lost time lapsed fleet. When all the sights and sounds seem so much less real but have so much more impact. The cops, the drunks, the city workers, the truckers, the convenience store clerks, building security, my co workers, stray dogs wondering the street, the lost and homeless, we share a common bond, the new dawns bond, the bond of wishing. Wishing to be elsewhere, doing something better. Or at the very least, poetry poet poem poems poets Dallas Fort Worth Oak Cliff Spoken word spoken art open mic poetry readings submissions submission links link slam performance poetry bukowski dharma karma beat poets updates calander listings events festivals Deep Ellum sex fun features circle corner groups group romance cat Haiku post posts host information info writing writers personal pages Texas TX DFW art arts paul jon anando metta internet district historic neighborhood new baby Buddhist the lost man Zombies Suenos Sabrosos opalina Jim Dolan Ostman peace love path Joseph Campbell myth meaning of life poet of the month chapbook chapbooks book books massey Lizard press In Our Own Words Gen x Generation x mindfullness buffy sutra WB Janelle Dubois nude freak angry happy god 1980's Irving poetry Arlington verse short meditation stars Theravada Vegitarian Insane poets Guild Barnes and Noble Cafe publish published local publishing Carney Tom Author Inkdeep Lotuseaters spinning the wheel rant modern literature literary Wood Thais punk scene mithra temple dallas morning news article voice vocal section directions contact help associations alliance bookings tour touring space saturday car visit rosa Weinberg arcanum personal page pages read friends edit editor loud weekly monthly monday better best quality jeremy bob red Bishop whats new update updates free places place klyndel profiles web weekly location organization venue venues photos pauls bio guide live IPG style genre patricia ice cream parlor OCCP poetry play jaycee park ring zine ezine, e zine join Paul Sexton index city anthology aegisegyptus forbiddon knowledge.This is slowly developing into a page highlighting in detail members of the Oak Cliff Circle Of Poets and showcasing their work. The membership is always changing and evolving over the years and some members we see only occasionally, but they are all still OCCP! Following is an incomplete list of some of their names. hopefully all will have pages of their own soon. Meanwhile enjoy the poetry of the poet who have pages so far! hte play of light upon darkness, the millionfold underlying reaasons for insanity, treatment for death, mythological motifs, pornography, satanic ritual, aliandemensional overlords, local physicians list, buddha, buddhist recovery addiction treatment nude models, what to get for mothersday, christmas, halloween, birthday,the history of the world babylon harappa culture hindu culture free mason illuminati, santa. (Underlined names below are links)freaking sleeping come visit the oak cliff circle of poets on a saturday night. Oak Cliff texas is a suburb of dallas texas. the oak cliff open mic has been around since july 4th 1989. that makes it the longest running open mike poetry reading in the dallas fort worth texas metroplex area. its near downtown dallas and open to all comers. accessable from i30 and i35, in the bishop street arts district. list od metroplez poetry readings. poets poems fun open live performance calander events. check out the circle, dallas's longes running oldest open mic. poet poets poem poems poetry verse fiction theme nights, submissions, lists beat poets, poet of the month special features.