Occp Poets
Janie Starkey


Janie Mc
Tim Wood
Janelle DuBois
Jim Dolan
Patricia Golden
Janie Starkey
Robert Starkey
Gayle Bell

Janie Starkey has read at the MAC and B&N. She is a member of OCCP and the Writer's Garret. Her Haikus were published in "artsDFW" and she has a poem published in a coffee table book, "ECHOES OF YESTERYEAR", released to the bookstores in March, 2000. In addition, Janie has won two essay awards in a city wide contest in conjuction with Eastfield college.

Some Haiku

16} Hedges in full bloom

Attracts bees and butterflies

On the warm spring day.

17} In the noonday sun

Lulling sounds of the locust

Puts me right to sleep.

18} Dog barks at squirrel

As it scampers up the tree

Bird feeder swaying.

19} Broken limbs from storm

Standing water on the ground

Robin Red Breast sings.

20}The sun now rising

The rays cast prisms on wall

The rain has stopped.


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