Christopher Soden, Director of the Dallas Poets Community, introduced Tim Wood's poetry at the 1995 Autumn Equinox Poetry Gala as a fusion between Laurie Anderson and George Orwell. Frederick Turner, former Editor of The Kenyon Review describes his work as "powerful poetry. Dark.... but very good." Poetry and poetry video work by Tim Wood has been published. performed or exhibited in Rhode Island, Texas, Colorado, New York, New Mexico and on the Internet. He is publisher of an arts monthly the Word: the monthly guide to the arts in Dallas, managing Editor of Negations: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Criticism. He was an original member of the sound poetry ensemble Question Authority, the. His current collection of poetry, Hollow Angels, was recently published as an electronic book by the Lending Library. You can see more of Tim Wood's work --including links to other published pieces-- at 4 til 7.